About this Book Blogger

Aishwarya | Flatlays•Lifestyle

21-year-old financial auditor that loves reading books more than anything else in the world. You can talk to me about books, dogs and food – I’ll be up for it anytime. 

Aishwarya is a multi-talented, smart and intelligent young woman. She has a huge fan following on Insta( currently at 3700+ me included) a friendly, forthcoming and open-to-ideas individual who like me loves books. She is a working professional, an avid book reader, a book reviewer and also a writer on the way to her first book. She has a skill of of taking gorgeous flat lay book and bookish accessories pictures. Don't' believe me check her pictures on her IG feed @moonshot.girl

or her blog : onemonththirtydays.wordpress.com

Here's my candid conversation with this talented young woman!

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Let’s start with 3 things about you. Where are you from? What do you do other than blogging? Whats the name of you blog? What made you decide to start a book blog?

I am from Hyderabad, Telangana. If I keep blogging aside, I am a financial auditor and writer. My blog was initially named Writing You The Reviews You Need but goes by the domain name One Month Thirty Days. One of the main reasons why I started a book blog was the scarcity of reader friends IRL. Having a community where people have such diverse reading preferences has really been a ‘diamond in the coal mine’ experience for me.

What are your favorite genres, books and authors?

My absolute favourite genre has to be romantic comedies. I am not talking about the cheesy love stories but those where the main protagonist is as confused about her life as I tend to be. But I also do enjoy Fantasy and some Sci-fi books. My favourite book would be Every Boy’s Got One (rom-com), Caraval (fantasy) and Skyward (Sci-fi).


I read on your blog that you are also writing a book. Tell us more about it. What was your inspiration? What is the book about? Your plans for publishing etc. 

Yes, I am. At any point of time you ask me, I am writing a book and not finishing it. I am currently gearing up for NaNoWriMo. This work-in-progress is a romantic comedy about Jane, a character I deeply resonate with. Its about breaking stereotypes in the most subtle manner and accepting yourself for who you are. My inspiration would be the endless want of writing the perfect hilarious rom-com. Currently, there are no plans. While it is the end goal, I write because I love to bring characters to life.

Aishwarya's gorgeous IG feed

You are an accountant, a writer, a blogger, a reader and a reviewer. And your feed on IG is to die for, so you are also an excellent photographer. For such a multi-talented person, how do you manage your day? What is a day in Aishwarya’s life like? 

I try to spend a little time doing everything on most days. But working in the audit line, we have a busy season that is crazy and I cannot emphasize enough. People in public accounting know what I mean. 2019 was my first year at this job and book blogging had become extremely hectic for me. I resumed working on the blog when the lockdown commenced. My day usually starts with spending an hour relaxing and just taking in the day – spending time with both my own dog and the country dogs that I look after. Then I try to study for an hour before I sit down for work. If time allows, I even click pictures for my book blog before sitting for work. After work, I try to write a little for my novel – sometimes I succeed and other times I don’t. Either ways, I don’t stop trying.

What’s the best and worst thing about being a book blogger?

There are a lot of amazing things about being a book blogger but my favourite has to be the diversity of recommendations you receive when you belong to the community. My reading choices were limited until the beginning of 2019 – I never thought I could love fantasy as a genre but here I am, reading books like Caraval and Serpent & Dove.
The worst would be the moral policing that goes around by a few people in the community. As people we sometimes forget to be empathetic about other’s struggles and don’t realise the trauma we cause others. Everyone is fighting their own demons and we hardly need to add to their troubles, right?

What’s the review writing process like for you?

For me the process starts very early on while reading the book. I love tabbing snippets that touch my heart or make me laugh. Once I am done reading, I go through these snippets and process my thoughts. For me, a book review should contain three things:
  • What you love/hate about the book
  • Who the target audience is
  • A fellow book of the genre (eg: readers of ‘The Book Thief’ will love this book)
My last step is to include those snippets at the end of the review so people know why I love the book so much!

What are your best tips for book bloggers or those looking to start a book blog?

I’ll keep this one short because I truly believe this is all we need to be book bloggers:
  • Read what you love
  • Be honest in your reviews and never succumb to any pressure by authors/publishers
  • Work on your photography skills
  • Learn and absorb from others

What are your best tips for those who want to read more?

I know this sounds dumb, but just read. It does not matter if you read less or more, till the time you read what you love. If you want to inhabit reading in your life, remember to find your niche genre and sink into it before you explore further.

Aishwarya's Favorite Song

What do you think is the best strategy for getting more visitors to a blog? 


Haha, this is something that concerns me as well. I think working on your content and your pictures will draw attention. However, it does not always work which is why some accounts have the best feeds and are still underrated. But with persistence, things get better. Post as regularly as you can and keep you audience engaged.

Some Fun Questions

This Or That

  • Tea or coffee lover please pick one – Can I say soda? I don’t drink either whoops
  • Early riser or night owl – Early riser
  • eBooks or Paperbacks – Paperbacks at the comfort of my home and eBooks while traveling
  • Movie or Book - Books
  • Pizza or Paratha - Paratha
  • Do you read one book ate a time or multiple – Usually, one at a time
  • Book shopping – online or bookstores - Online
Please share a photo of a favorite character inspiration

Connect with Aishwarya

Thank You so much Aishwarya. I had great fun interviewing you. Hope you grow by leaps and bounds. And I am so grateful you accepted to this interview and take time out to answer all my questions sincerely.

Wishing you the best! Keep reading!