Frankly, it wasn't easy to pick one. Truly. I am so happy I read so many good books in October. I loved reading bestsellers like The Silent Patient, Becoming, or even The White Tiger. At the same time, I fell in love with indie books like Familiar and The Ancestor. I was thoroughly entertained. And I loved reading each one of these. But suppose we chop it down to absolutely one book. In that case, it will be Becoming by Michelle Obama because, besides the entertainment, this book taught me a few things that will last me a lifetime. I hope you, the reader, also find the takeaways worthwhile.

Least Favorite Book

Where Birds Fly
I received this book as part of the book promotion tour by YA bound book Tours. It fitted the Fantasy (Young Adult) genre. 
I recommend it as a quick read on the way to your work or as a beach read. Or for young adults looking for a light sultry read. Nothing memorable about it. No fire.

Bookish Posts Worth a Read


My TBR for November

What’s coming up in November 2020

October 2020 has been a exciting month for me. I reviewed a total 10 books for my blog.  I read a lot of mystery books and I was completely hooked to these books. 
But now I am super excited about November, as I did a massive book haul during Amazon's biggest sale of the year. I bought two bestsellers from Amazon's list and I also have ARCs of books from BookSiren and Damppebbles Book Tours. 
I plan to get close to finishing my Goodreads challenge of the year for 2020. I have only 10 more books to go of the 52 I challenged myself too.  I will also be sharing some inspiring podcasts, book recommendations, bookish posts and book lists. So Stay Tuned and Keep Reading!
Mru Natu