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Let’s admit it. Starting a business is scary. Will I succeed? How will I persist? Will anyone be interested in what I as a business have to offer? Will I make a full-time income from it? Do I have enough money to make it work? How will I manage my time? These and a multitude of other questions stopped me from taking the first step. But then I decided to do what I always do, read, and learn. Learn from the best out there, people like you and me who started like us, from zero, and made it big.

Here’s a list of the 11 best books to read in 2020 for budding entrepreneurs that will give you the necessary knowledge and advice to help on your journey to entrepreneurial success.
1. The Hard Thing about Hard Thing: Building a Business When There are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz
Did any book tell you what to do when your business is in a nightmarish situation? Did they talk about laying off people when you missed your goal? Or about aligning your best employees to your goals? Did any book ever talk to you about real challenges, the really hard things you might face in a real business? This book shares experience and advice. Don’t go looking for a formula.
Don’t you want to escape the runt of a 9 to 5 job? Everybody does. And everyone wants to know how to enjoy life’s pleasures by not working for 30 or 40 or 50 hours a week. But by working for just 4 hours a week. Too good to be true, right? Yet, readers who’ve read and followed this book claim to have added a few zeroes to their business income. Tim Ferriss himself enjoys this lifestyle and recommends this book to adventurous people who want to live their life to the fullest extent and not for their job.
3. The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More by Chris Gillebeau
The most common problem when starting a business. Not enough money. How do you find your way to financial freedom, following your passion? Case studies, self-experience, trials, and errors; it’s all there in this book. Live your dream, and make a decent living. That’s what this book is about. Analyze all-important insights from 50 ordinary people who started a business with $100 or less.
Did anyone ever tell you how much work you need to put in to achieve extreme success? Well, this book tells you exactly that. The primary reason and number one action that will take you to the top of any ladder – WORK. The book 10X Rule by Cardone teaches you how to:
- Reach goals that you thought were impossible previously
- set goals correctly and achieve them with guarantee
- Create happiness and satisfaction in every phase and area of your life like never before
- Use fear as fuel to move you into action
- Get everything you want and never have to settle
- Dominate your competition and become a role model for success
Achieve the results of "Massive Action" and accomplish your business and personal dreams!
Isn’t every idea of business already taken by now? There cannot be another Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Larry Page because these businesses have already been established. So what do you do? First, don’t copy the business; copy the model. It’s Easy to emulate best practices than to create something new. That’s what this book is about—the journey of creation from 0 to 1. A co-founder of companies like Paypal and advisor to people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel talks about building companies that create new things.
Didn’t all the entrepreneurial advice you got tell you to cater to what the customer wants? Build a stable, quality product first, and then sell? Well, that’s nothing that Eric Ries did. He creates a new approach for continuous innovation called the Lean Startup. It is based on a quick cycle time, a focus on customers (without asking customers), and a scientific decision-making approach. No magic, no genius, pure science. It’s a book for the 21st century. What works and what doesn’t?
The 48-Hour-Start Up builds on the idea of a microbusiness, a creative outlet, income stream and business you can run in your free time or at the weekends without having to quit your day-job. This book is perfect for young beginner entrepreneurs, students learning about start-ups, Established entrepreneurs looking for shortcuts, teams within corporates looking to create a more innovative and competitive environment.
What’s common to successful entrepreneurs and you? Well, they were all scared when they started. Everybody told them they were foolish or reckless or immature. They did it anyway, and you’ll read about them in this book.
Gary insists on personal branding and using social media to its utmost potential to make it big in the 21st century. He dissects all platforms and makes it lively, practical, and inspirational. Crushing It! is a state-of-the-art guide to pave your path to professional and financial success, but it’s not about getting rich. It’s a roadmap to living life on your terms.
The author has spent five years traveling the world and interviewing people at the top of their careers and discovered a shared key to all of them: a third door, an unconventional path. The author shares specific strategies, insights, tools, and guidelines that might inspire greatness in some of his generations.
The cover pages ask the questions - Are you a:
“Wannabe” entrepreneur in school or college with big dreams in your eyes?
“Friday-night-after-drinks” aspiring entrepreneur in your 20s/30s?
“Ready-to-go” soon-to-be entrepreneur?
“Already-on-the-train” entrepreneur?
Loved ones of any of the above (wife/husband, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, parents)?
An aspiring VC/angel investor who has never built a business?
This book has been specially written for you.
11. Entrepreneur 5 P.M. to 9 A.M.: Launching a Profitable Start-Up without Quitting Your Job
By Kanth Miriyala and Reethika Sunder
The author shares the ABCs of building a new business, conquering your fears, finding a mentor, and finding a co-founder. The mindset needed, the common mistakes made—all this and more. Understand the fundamental nature of success and learn with some well-illustrated examples.

Building a business isn’t easy. But these books will act as lighthouses in that storm that is entrepreneurship. They will guide you, inspire you, motivate you, and channel you to grow and not dwell on your fear and failures. You have nothing to stop you when you have the best of the best guiding you every step of the way.
Let me know which one you picked..
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