Interview with Tymeka Coney Author of I Don’t Like Racism

This book tells the story of racism through the eyes of a young African-American girl, DaNyla, and her experiences with racism as she witnesses her cousin involved in police brutality and she tries to understand why racism exists. She talks to her Mom, and her History Teacher about racism to better understand where it evolved, then she prays about it and decides to continue to dream and hope for change for a better tomorrow as she still continues to fight for what's right peacefully all while still loving her family and her multicultural friends.
Read the review of her book on my blog here.
In a chat with Mru's Books and Reviews, Tymeka Coney has a lot to talk about her book, her writing, and what is in store for us in future.
Let’s start with 3 facts about you.
Three Facts about me are I am a Writer in all Genres. I am a Poet/Spoken Word Artist. I am an Educator.
When did you first realize you wanted to write I Don't Like Racism?
I realized it shortly after everything was reignited with the recent onset of events with George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and all of the other victims of Police Brutality.
Was it due to a personal experience?
Yes..I two have been a victim of Police Brutality. With the recent onset of events of the Black Lives Matter movements, I wanted to contribute something positive to society, I wanted to be a part of this important conversation. I am glad that I survived the police brutality and am here to share my story and am not a statistic.
Why do you think it’s important for kids to read I Don't Like Racism?
I think it’s important for children to read I Don’t Like Racism because racism is real and it really does affect us all at any age. I think it’s important to have an understanding of racism as early as you can witness it or comprehend it. Kids must know their history and they must know
that they have value despite the color of their skin and these are our next
generation of individuals that will shape our future. As an educator, this
is important to me to enhance the lives of our youth.
The book also has illustrations by Nida Saeed. Why don’t you illustrate your own books?
I have many creative gifts, however, illustrating doesn’t happen to be one of them. J I am a visionary though and I was very specific in what I wanted to see in each illustration specifically to tell the story and I was very clear with Nida about the expressions I wanted to see and the backgrounds of the illustrations as I knew the words I wanted to share to coincide with the illustrations.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
As a child I enjoyed speaking and writing. I use to always recite speeches at church growing up and I was often called on to read aloud with emphasis in school etc. I believe I wanted to do Public Speaking and Writing which I still do today and probably Acting and Performing.
What’s the best thing about being a writer and what’s the most challenging?
The best thing about being a writer is just that…Writing. You can go on a journey wherever your thoughts and imagination will take you. You get to immerse yourself in creativity that no one can really take away from you as you have the pen and pad or the computer and you can create characters and imagine a new world. It is often relaxing and cathartic.
You can also be a part of changing lives and causing people to think as a result of something you wrote/created. You can entertain, educate and empower people through writing.
The most challenging part about writing is when you first write it, it is uninhibited and you can be carefree and just create but when you begin to sell your writing and pitch it and put it into the marketplace, then you have to look at it from a buyer’s perspective and make sure that it is commercially viable and depending on which genre or market, you have to put it out there to be judged and you have to push really hard to market it until it is recognized by the masses sometimes just for people to get to see and experience this writing that could prove to be life changing if only they knew it existed.
How do you feel when someone disagrees with something you have written?
When someone disagrees with something that I have written, I realize that they have a right to their opinion. I know that I was born with a gift to write and I also know like any other writer, not everyone is going to get it and that there are specific audiences for specific writings. I also
take the disagreement as an opportunity for me to dialogue with them about the writing and see if we can form a mutual understanding of the writing.
You are an author, you’ve been a DJ, you’re an actor, writer, voice-over artist, you produce and direct plays, you’re a public speaker and an activist. For such a multi-talented person, how do you manage your time? What is a day in Tymeka’s life like?
That’s a loaded question. Everyday is different. Every day is creative. Everyday my goal is to be productive with my time and set a to do list for the day, week, and month so that I stay on task personally and professionally. I mainly take care of business during the day and then create at night. In the day, I am following up with meetings or seeking opportunities for my many creative
projects. I’m working to meet deadlines and I don’t socialize much. I will every now and then at night when the day is done and/or on the weekends. With all of my creative endeavors, I don’t do them all at the same time… I kinda go with the flow of what I am feeling at that time and I don’t force the creativity. That is how this book was birthed because I was working on another book but this
book seemed to flow out of me quicker than the book I set out to complete before this one.
You’ve also written a wonderful book on Poetry – Words Unspoken. Can you tell us more about this book? When did you write it? What was the inspiration behind it?
Words Unspoken: Volume I- Deeper Than Eyes Can See was Published October 2011….I’m an introvert believe it or not. I believe that I communicate better through writing, which is why I enjoy writing. Words Unspoken was derived from me sharing insight to my thoughts and feelings that you may not ever get to know unless you are close to me. I wrote poetry about all types of topics from Entertainment, to History, to Love to Relationships etc.. I have always written poetry over the years, because it is a form of my expression. I thought to myself…I have all of these poems, why don’t I compile them and share them with the world. So I did. It’s Volume 1 because I plan on having a Volume 2 at some point. There’s so much going on in the world right now that I could write
Do you plan to write more books? What will they be about?
Yes…I do enjoy being an Author. I wrote my 1st book 9 years ago, so I hope to release more books sooner than 9 years apart, but life happens and I’m always working on other types of projects like TV, Film, Stage… I definitely want to do another children’s book. I enjoyed the process. I have a
Volume 2 on the poetry book to finish at some point and I also have a book of quotes/wisdom I want to share.
I read on your website that you are an entertainment entrepreneur. Any words of advice for new generation entrepreneurs in general? Anything specific for women entrepreneurs?
Sure…Like the great poet Shakespeare said…”To Thine Own Self Be True.” Just stay true and authentic to who you are and what drives you, what motivates you and what you are passionate about. You will do your best work when it is natural because it will flow. If something pops in your head..don’t second guess it but go with it and see where it leads you. There is a scripture that one of my mentors from afar often quotes and it is…
"Your gifts will make room for you and bring you before great men.” Proverbs 18:16 -Tyler Perry says
this all the time and it is true and it has happened for him and so many others.
Share your gifts as they are a gift to others. I would just say to anyone Man, Woman or any age, nationality etc…Don’t let anyone stop you from dreaming and believing in yourself or what you can become in life. If you can believe it, you can achieve it. No matter who you are…your
age or what your skin color is or your gender. Just do It!
And finally our readers will like to know
a. Your favorite book
I Don’t Like Racism is my favorite book right now. I wake up excited about it everyday and the many people I get to meet and share the book with like yourself and just the thought of where this new journey will lead. It is the book that I have spent the most time with in the last couple of months and I am so thankful and grateful to have it to share.
b. Your favorite author
I would have to say I have so many favorites that I can not choose just one. I read a lot of poetry books, self-help, finance, inspirational, children’s books. I have always enjoyed reading as well. I will have to bet on myself on this one again and say me.:) I believe in me and I Don’t Like Racism… (Shameless plug.)
Go get the book everyone…I hope it will inspire you to join the movement for a better tomorrow. It’s available on Amazon and my website. :)
On behalf of all the readers of Mru's Books I wish the author the very best for her future endeavors.
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