Best life-changing non-fiction book for beginner readers

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Nonfiction books offer a huge variety ranging from memoirs to self-development to learning new things and more. I recommend you read about something you have a deep liking or curiosity for. It may be something like feminism or some books about battling loneliness.

You may want to find answers to some problems like how to sort your personal finances or get organized.

Or you may be want to learn something entirely new or fall into a habit of doing something anew. Start where you think the topic might interest you. Here are my 14 recommendations for easy-to-read non-fiction books.

Unique Book Recommendations to help you find your next read!

Easy to Read Non-fiction books

Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Hector Garcia

There is a place in Japan where all the people are close to or beyond a hundred years in age. And living a healthy, content, and carefree life. How is this possible?

Hector Garcia shares the secret in his short and simply written book. There’s no rocket science, only a ten-point chart to change small things in life and see a big difference.

Read a summary with infographics here.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kawasaki

Do you need a very high income to be rich? No says Robert Kawasaki, whatever you earn you just need to make your money work for you. And how to do that, he explains in a very innovative and convincing way.

He talks about the education system that doesn’t teach to manage finances or how investing in houses is not equivalent to investing in assets. He explains how running a business is many times more beneficial than working as an employee.

My copy of the book is torn and tattered because I have referred it so many times and recommended it to friends and family innumerable times. This is a very essential guide that every working parent must read and then share the lessons with their children.

Shwetabh Gangwar is a professional problem-solver. He did so through social media – his YouTube channel and Instagram channels and later wrote this book to solve common problems relating to career, relationships, family and love.

Gangwar is an honest writer with impactful writing. He believes that whatever the problem the solution lies in how we think. He believes - “KNOWING YOURSELF IS A SUPERPOWER.”

Read a summary with infographics here.

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie

What is feminism? Are you a feminist? What does being a feminist involve? I’m sure at some point in time these questions must have bothered you. Adichie through this very short essay, puts forth all the ideals, the cynicism, and the elaboration forward in an eloquent way.

She is Nigerian fighting for woman’s rights there but her words will resonate in the remotest as well as the most advanced parts of the world.

Read a summary with quotes here.

Speed Reading by Justin Hammond

How to double you’re, I’m sorry not double, it’s actually triple your reading speed – without losing the meaning or the focus of the content you read. Justin Hammond shares simple methods and some more complicated ones too. But only using the simple ones I was able to improve my reading speeds very well. I became more focused in my reading and in fact, began to remember and grasp more.

If you’re serious about you’re reading (studying) you must put this book to use.

Read a summary with infographics here.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How would you like if you went after the job you want...and got it! Or just take the job you have...and improve it! This book will help you take any situation you’re in and improve it. 

 Dale Carnegie's debut book is a bestseller and has been for many decades selling 15 million copies.  The book is bursting with evergreen and relevant advice that has carried thousands of now-famous people to the pinnacle of success in their businesses as well as personal lives.

The book will help you to learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz divulges the cause of self-limiting views that stop us from experiencing joy and add misery to life.

Based on olden Toltec knowledge, The Four Agreements offer an influential code of conduct that can quickly change our lives to inculcate freedom, true happiness, and love.

  • Be Impeccable with your word
  • Don't take anything personally
  • Don't make assumptions
  • Always do your best

Read a summary with infographics here.

Three Thousand Stitches by Sudha Murty

Sudha Murty although from a business background has become an influential name in the Indian literary landscape.

With her popular books for children in India, she is a household name.

But this particular book is meant for all age groups where she says real stories from her life experiences. Stories that are humbling, honest, and genuine.

Stories that speak of prejudiced minds and those that speak of the talented future generations. Her stories come with a moral or some invaluable life lessons.

Read a summary here.

Top Visionaries Who Changed the World by George Ilian

Top Visionaries Who Changed the World contains the success stories of people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Jack Ma, Steve Jobs, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Warren Buffett.

Their exemplary rags-to-riches American stories will most definitely inspire you. George Ilian has done an outstanding job putting together this compilation. He shares stories of their growing-up, their breakthroughs, and consistent milestones.

 The author hasn’t just falsely complimented them in his write-up; he has also listed out their negatives and bad habits and shed light on lesser known aspects of their life. He mentions three attributes every one of them shares – a mindset of grabbing every opportunity, the acceptance of risk, and subsequent fearlessness to failure, independence, and control over their business.

A must-read if you are looking to emulate their business success and entrepreneurship.

Read a summary with infographics here.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The money-making formula that Hill shares - If you have thoughts, convert them to desire, believe in what you desire, tell your mind every day what it needs to achieve, gain expert knowledge in the field that you desire, your subconscious will get creative and bless you with imagination and ways to get what you wish. Make a plan on steps you will take to achieve, make specific decisions – don’t procrastinate, transmute all your energy to your desires through your subconscious mind. Empower and translate your thoughts to actions, process all positive thoughts of the brain – lock out the negative, and go by your hunches - the sixth sense.

And then he elaborates on each one through chapters and examples.

Read a summary with infographics here.

Easy To Read Memoirs for Beginner readers

When Breath becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

A full-time neuro-surgeon became a full-time patient – the cause cancer. Cancer has the ability to cripple not one but many lives irrevocably at the same time. But Paul tried to work till the end. What is more he and his wife even decided to have a baby. How does a person who knows he’s moving closer to the inevitable every minute have the courage to decide to bring in a new life, his own daughter?

This powerful and moving journey is a must-read memoir of a doctor’s experience when he becomes a patient.

Read a review here.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

A book set in the threatening holocaust times. Anne Frank's diary has been celebrated worldwide. The diary provides an intense and heartbreaking preview into the world of a young Jewish girl living in Nazi-occupied now the Netherlands.

She wrote the diary while hidden away in the attic of a warehouse. In spite of her situation she was a joyful girl.

Anne's story tells us that just because people may belong to a different religion or race, doesn't mean that they should be treated differently.

Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Viktor Frankl is a holocaust survivor. This is by no means an easy read, in terms of the theme. Reading about the German atrocities on innocent Jews is not for the faint-hearted. But in spite of that, this is a hopeful book about recounting how in the worst and most horrible of times a man preserved his sanity and his life. How did he do it? He wasn’t the strongest or the fiercest, in fact, he was the weakest physically. He did it by finding meaning to his suffering. By finding a purpose to live for.

Frankl’s principles of logotherapy and psychology are applicable to anyone and any situation where you looking to find meaning.

Read a summary with quotes here.

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

Morrie was Mitch Albom’s professor in college. Over time he lost touch with him. But due to a TV interview, he met his professor again and this time he kept visiting him until his last day. His professor shared his experiences and sage wisdom whenever they met, mostly on Tuesdays. And it is this wisdom and experience that Mitch recorded on his tape or wrote in his diary and crated this book.

If you’re ever looking for some inspiration in life, read this book. 

Read a summary with quotes here.

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