The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod – summary, lessons and quotes
The 6 Habits that will transform your life before 8 AM
As human beings we are born with the innate desire to improve and grow ourselves, says the author. So in whatever life stage we are right now, whether we are wealthy and successful or struggling and desperate to make ends meet we want to get better.
So this is most-definitely one personal development book all of us need to read. And why not if it’s going to take only minutes off our morning routine each day, every day?
The book is only 180 pages but is packed with very doable, practical techniques to improve our lives drastically. But if you don’t have time for the 180 pages either here’s my brief summary of the book using quotes by the author and some of my own understanding of this revolutionary guide.
What is the author Hal Elrod’s Story?
When he was only 20 Hal was hit by a speeding drunk-driver. It was a head-on collision in which Hal suffered permanent brain damage, broke a dozen bones, was told by his doctors that he would likely never walk again and was DEAD for a complete 6 minutes.
Despite this setback and a later complete bankruptcy and a loan of $425,000, the author became
- a Hall of Fame business achiever,
- ultra marathon runner,
- #1 best-selling author multiple times,
- husband,
- father and
- An internationally top-rated key note speaker and motivational coach.
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
Published in 2016 by John Murray Learning
Pages: 200
What is the books The Miracle Morning About?
The book builds 3 imperative arguments
- You are just as worthy, deserving and capable of creating health, wealth, happiness, love and success in your life, as any other person on earth.
- In order for you to stop settling for less than you deserve - in any area of your life – and to create the levels of personal, professional and financial success you desire, you must first dedicate time each day to becoming the person you need to be, one who is qualified and capable of consistently attracting, creating and sustaining the levels of success you want.
- How you wake up each day or your morning routine (or lack of it) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive successful mornings generates focused, productive successful days.
What are the benefits of following The Miracle Morning Guide? Is it worth reading?
10 profound benefits you can expect to gain through the Miracle Morning routine –
How to wake up easy in the morning if you’re not a morning person?
The five-step snooze-proof wake-up strategy
What are the 6 Habits that will transform your life before 8 AM? In short, what is the Miracle Morning routine?
The 6 practices/steps of The Miracle Morning – the Life S.A.V.E.R.S.
To reduce stress levels, to begin the day calmly, clearly and with peace of mind and to stay focused on what’s important in life practice purposeful silence every morning.
Activities to do during this period of silence –
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Reflection
- Deep Breathing
- Gratitude
You may follow one /several/ all of these activities every morning.
To quickly achieve and become the person you want to be in your life, affirmations are extremely effective. They allow you to design and then develop the thoughts, beliefs and focus that you need to take any area of your life to the next level.
Five simple steps to creating your own affirmations –
- Begin with clarifying in writing what you really want – specifically your ideal vision.
- Include the whys, and be crystal clear on the deepest level of why things are important to you.
- Get clear on who you need to be, are committed to being for your life to move to the next level and beyond.
- Mention the actions you will need to take consistently to make your vision a reality.
- Integrate inspiration quotes and philosophies into your vision for that additional boost or push that will empower you to improve your results.
Visualization or creative visualization or mental rehearsal is defined as the practice of seeking to generate positive results in your outer world by using your imagination to create mental pictures of specific behaviors and outcomes occurring in your real life.
Three simple steps for Miracle Morning visualization –
- Get ready – close your eyes, clear your mind, listen to music if you like to.
- Visualize what you want – forget about the logic, the limits and the practicality. Visualize your goals, your deepest desires, your dreams, anything that gets you excited. Make it vivid. Imagine you can have anything you wanted.
- Then visualize yourself in alignment with your goal. Visualize yourself doing positive action to achieve your goals/dreams.
The benefits of morning exercise –
- Wakes you up
- Enhances mental clarity
- Helps Sustain high levels of energy throughout the day
Read at least 10-15 minutes daily or 10 pages daily of personal development books.
That would make 3650 pages in a year equivalent to 18 200-page personal development books. Imagine the knowledge, confidence and capability this new habit will afford you by the end of the year.
Scribing is writing – in a diary or journal.
What do you write in this diary?
- Document your insights
- Ideas
- Breakthroughs
- Realizations
- Successes
- Lessons learned
- Or areas of opportunity, personal growth or improvement.
Benefits of Journaling
- Allows to gain clarity by brainstorming and helping you work through problems.
- Helps capture and retain ideas.
- Helps you review lessons learned.
- Acknowledges your progress as you can go back and re-read your entries form a while back.
3 steps to journaling
- Choose a format – digital or traditional
- Get a journal
- Decide what to write
What does the Miracle Morning Schedule look like?
The Miracle Morning (60 minute) sample schedule
Using the Life S.A.V.E.R.S.
- Silence – 5 minutes
- Affirmations – 5 minutes
- Visualization – 5 minutes
- Exercise – 20 minutes
- Reading – 20 minutes
- Scribing – 5 minutes
6 minute Miracle Morning routine for those short on time due to their lifestyle or priorities.
- Minute 1 – sit calmly, peacefully, and breathe deeply.
- Minute 2 – read aloud your affirmations you wrote down.
- Minute 3 – close your eyes and visualize or look at your visualization board
- Minute 4 – write down what you are grateful for, proud of, your achievements and commitments of the day.
- Minute 5 – read your self-help book for a minute or a couple of pages
- Minute 6 - move around for a minute, warm up your body.
25 Popular Quotes from the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
- Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be.
- Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams. Don't think you have to wait for the latter to do the former.
- Give up the need to be perfect for the opportunity to be authentic. Be who you are. Love who you are. Others will too.
- Replace your judgments with empathy, upgrade your complaining to gratitude, and trade in your fear for love.
- Be grateful for all that you have, accept all that you don’t, and actively create all that you want.
- Life isn’t about wishing you were somewhere or someone that you’re not. Life is about enjoying where you are, loving who you are, and consistently improving both.
- Misery loves company but so does mediocrity. Don’t let the limiting beliefs of others limit what’s possible for you.
- Don’t worry about trying to impress people. Just focus on how you can add value to their lives.
- The moment you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you tap into your power to change anything in your life.
- Every single one of us already has everything we need to be the happiest we could ever be; it’s simply up to us to remember that in every moment.
- There is nothing to fear, because you cannot fail. Only LEARN, GROW, and become BETTER that you’ve ever been.
- The average person lets their emotions dictate their actions, while achievers let their commitments dictate their actions.
- Make bold moves toward your dreams each day, refuse to stop, and nothing can stop you.
- Who you are becoming is far more important that what you’re dong. And yet, it is what you’re doing that is determining who you’re becoming.
- “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.”
- “One of the saddest things in life is to get to the end and look back in regret, knowing that you could have been, done, and had so much more.”
- “You are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating and sustaining extraordinary health, wealth, happiness, love, and success in your life, as any other person on earth.”
- “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body and prayer is to the soul. We become the books we read.”
- “On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy.”
- “Remember this truth: now matters more than any other time in your life, because it’s what you are doing today that is determining who you’re becoming, and who you’re becoming will always determine the quality and direction of your life.”
- “Always seek people who will add value to your life and bring out the best in you. And of course, be that person for others.”
- “To make profound changes in your life, you need either inspiration or desperation.”
- “Replace your judgments with empathy, upgrade you’re complaining to gratitude, and trade in your fear for love.”
- “Your first thought in the morning is usually the last thought you had before you went to bed.”
- “The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”
Further Reading...
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